Now offering in-person and telehealth sessions to those impacted by Hurricane Helene.
In-network with BCBS and Aetna. Nobody will be turned away for a lack of funds.

Does it feel like something is missing in your life?
You have all the foundational things a person could need or want–a decent job, a place to live, a partner (if you want one). But something is still missing.
You feel like there is some deeper way to connect to life. To truly FEEL things. But it’s just not happening for you. You see other people experiencing things and think, “damn. I wish I could feel that way.”
So maybe you drink. Smoke. Sleep too much. Scroll-scroll-scroll on social media. Listen to other people’s problems so you don’t have to confront or face your own. Work too much. Volunteer for every fucking thing for your kid’s PTA. Anything to avoid getting in touch with yourself. That feels hard and scary, and besides….who knows what you’ll find if you go hunting in those depths?
What if you could open the door just a crack? What if you could take a look inside your inner landscape? What if it was hard and scary but also amazing and wonderful and empowering?
What if you could connect more deeply with your partner? What if you were able to have more deep conversations? Amazing sex? Shared goals and a vision for the future?
What would it look like to connect to your kid? What if you could help them build a blanket fort without feeling totally annoyed and resentful? What if helping them with homework didn’t feel like the bane of your existence? What if you could get in touch with your inner child while parenting your child? What if you were…fun?
What would it look like for you to actually have work-life balance? What would you do if you worked only the hours you were supposed to work? What if you worked less? What if you slept in more?
What if having authentic, honest conversations felt doable and not panic-inducing?
What if you had hobbies? Did things you want to do? Learned a new thing?
I want people to feel like getting in touch with their emotions is no longer a mystery. Don’t like feelings? That’s ok. I’m a therapist and sometimes I don’t like feelings (that’s the truth). I help people learn to identify, understand, and normalize feeling states in the mind and in the body. Our culture is deeply invested in being out of touch with our bodies. Getting back in touch with our feelings (and our bodies) is the first step towards a healthier, happier, more balanced life.
Hi, I’m Amanda.
I’m a therapist who is passionate about helping people identify what is coming up that prevents you from having the life that you so desperately want but feel you can’t have. I believe strongly that if you want something bad enough, with support you can find a way to create it. I’m here to help you on that journey.